I'll go backwards.
We buried Dad in NJ, funeral at Danks, Uncle Kirby was close by me and Joe with his humor and wit trying to take the edge off the goings on, but what he didn't know was I really didn't get it. I remember going to the casket and looking at Dad, he looked plastic and waxy not at all real, I blew on his hair and it moved so I surmised that at least his hair was his. The burial and afterwards were a blur. I found comfort in my Mom, afterall I AM a Mommas boy:) and in my grandparents Aunts and Uncles. At the time it wasn't hard for me, I didn't have much of a relationship with Dad other than he was the one who dished out the dicipline.
March of 1973 I was 12, Dad died at the hospital in San Antonio, I got there after the fact I think. I don't remember crying much, I still don't, but I remember being relieved. As I said I didn't have much of a relationship with Dad,but I knew where the dicipline came from. Mom was strong, I can't imagine what she was thinking, now with me and my brother to provide for, many decisions to make fast, logistical nightmare but she pulled it off. Many people streamed in for condolences, including 2 teachers from school who I didn't like very much, and I remember thinking what hippocrits they were for showing up because I didn't think they really liked me much either.
We lived at 1798 Dayton Dr in the Baker Heights section of Abilene Tx, Dad bought me and Joe a BB gun and set up a shooting range in the garage. He taught us to shoot. I look back as that being one of the greatest days of my life with my Dad, just to have him hang out and have father son time with us. Soon I was shooting all the time at least until I shot the window out of the garage, game over. I had a sling shot as well and used to shoot that in the backyard with the smelly dog Pepper or Poochi whatever its name was, until I got the neighbors window, thought Dad would kill me, but he was really cool about that one, kind of left me off the hook. I remember the Dayton house being very busy, using old jelly jars as drinking cups, Dad cooking eggs for dinner(afterall he was a chef wasn't he?) Janes wedding, party central for the week, all the aunts and Uncles, certain ones eating old chicken bones, lots of Beer, a sort of a farewell for Jane and Dad. Of course there is the tub story, I was told to take a bath, didn't much want to, so I just dabbed a little and came out and Dad says, "Boy did you get a bath" I says "No hot water" He took me in the bathroom and held my hand under the hot, (No he didn't burn me or cause permanent damage, just making a point) All the people at the house got a good gaffaw out of that and it is still a story to be told many more times. Janes wedding was to be his last party, I remember the pain on his face walking down the aisle, I look back now on the courage it must have taken physically and mentally to make it, that memory alone makes me know that Dad was one tough cookie who really loved his kids and especially his oldest daughter who was usually at odds with him.
112 Kentucky, Dyess AFB TX was a nice area for my small brain. It was where Jane brought over Jesus Greg, and Kathi brought over Phillip Hitch (I'm going into deep recessed memories here so correct me if I mess something up but was he gay or what) and finally where Mark ask Dad for Janes hand. "You got something to say boy, say it here" me and Joe were standing there watching Mark squirm, Mom was horrified. "You gotta job"? "Yessir .....Pizza Inn manager" More giggling. So that episode showed me that Dad was a ballbuster. I would ask for money for whatever reason and Dad would empty his pockets of change and bills and say "Take what you want" but I was always afraid to take more than a quarter, but that showed me that Dad could be generous.
Falcon Courts North McGuire AFB NJ.....Don't remember the # (4048?) so help me out. Memories of the dining table only wanting to drink my milk, no food, wanting a mini bike for christmas (Santa ran out again!) Dad setting the house on fire after falling asleep smoking on the couch, thank God for the cat who woke up Mom and led her to safely extinguish the fire (what cat was that or did we have a cat?) All I remember is that nobody woke me up, (let the boy sleep thru the fire,, he'll be fine) Now I know why I went on to be a firefighter and smoked cigarettes.